Enid Blyton 1897-1968
"the most savagely anti-parent auther of her generation"
/O D Edwards
In 1997 one hundred years had passed since Enid Blyton was born. The anniversary was attended in Swedish media. Beside the appearance of new editions of her books in bookstores, she was presented on television (a portrait on channel TV4 in 1996.1113 as well as a Famous Five TV series), and in the biggest morning paper under the headline "Enid Blyton's secret life" (Dagens Nyheter 1996.1229), and further in the paper Metro, Stockholm edition with "Child heroes into the sex battle - new perspectives on the Famous Five in literary studies".

Before this happened Barbara Stoney had written a thorough biography on Enid Blyton (1972, 1992). And of great interest, Blyton´s daughter had written a rather controversial biography of her mother; quite a shocking story of a non-mother (Smallwood, 1989).

As a result we find a complex author, not at all the shallow Enid Blyton that has been the common view. Contrary to what is believed her stories quite often attack bourgeoisie values; she is taking the side of children against self-justified adults; and she suggests to young readers a different role in life for girls than the one taken for granted. We have no reason to look away from the criticism she is known for; the mass production of standardised plots and characters, and the simple style of writing coming with it. Still there is something else, a hidden complex of personal problems, perhaps even a tragedy, known today from her biographers.

This is what´s behind my novel featuring the Famous Five.


Lucifer förlag
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